how to remove shortcut virus

Hello friends….welcome back with a new post on how to remove “SHORTCUT VIRUS”. Are you affected from “SHORTCUT VIRUS” PC or PenDrive and you are unable to remove them..?? But now don’t worry. In This Post I’m going to tell you how to remove the “SHORTCUT VIRUS” completely from any PC or PenDrive….

Actually this problem occurs due to transfer of data from one system to another system when one of the system is affected from SHORTCUT VIRUS and you are transferring the data from the infected system to your system. And this type of problem also occurs due to download of an infected file. If once your PC or PenDrive infected from shortcut virus then it’s not easy to remove them since some free version AntiVirus ( like AVG, Avast, Avira, etc. ) are also unable to delete the “SHORTCUT VIRUS” completely from a system. But now you can remove the “SHORTCUT VIRUS” from your PC or PenDrive by following the below method by using the necessary tools and command. I am sure that this method will work 100% and your system will be free from “SHORTCUT VIRUS”..!!


1.Firstly download USB Virus Remover ( v2.1.5 ) from the below Dropbox Link....

DOWNLOAD HELP HERE                        DOWNLOAD BOTH ( Application + Help)

2.Plug infected USB device ( if you want to remove from PenDrive ) and Run the USB Virus Remover ( v2.1.7.5 )  application and click on Launch Virus Remover. 

3. After clicking Launch Virus Remover in two windows will be open, close the black window and Enter the drive letter. Ex. My Drive name is H4K3R(I:) so simply enter I and press enter.

Wait for few seconds so that you can see the content of your PenDrive ( shown in screenshot below ) so that you can select the required operation for the next step.

4. After 7 seconds a new window will be open and you wil be given 7 Options as shown in the screenshot below....

Enter the number of the option on which you want to proceed or the action which is required. All the options and their work are explained below :-


1. Skip deletion of exe files,
It skpis the deletion of the .exe files ( make sure you don’t have any .exe virus and proceed to exit point ).

2. Rename all exe in root to exe_virus and delete_later, manually (not_recommended, if infected with exe virus use option 3)
It skpis the deletion of the .exe files ( make sure you don’t have any .exe virus and proceed to exit point ). option renames all .exe to .exe_virus but only in root of drive so that you can delete them by selecting the virus or infected files.
Eg: If your drive conatins these files :-
            I:\Setup.exe            &         I:\setup\Setup.exe
            In this scenario only I:\Setup.exe will be renamed to .exe_virus. So make sure you have virus only in root drive.

3. Delete exe files, by Choosing which to delete
Delete .exe files one by one. This step is a very complex, but there are no choices when its infected with .exe virus ,so it will ask you which .exe file to delete. So delete unknown files by pressing Y or y else you can press N or n to leave deletion of that file.

4. Remove regsvr.exe virus startup
If you are infected with ‘regsvr.exe’ virus then you won’t be able to access the registry editor, it will say registry editor is disabled by Administrator. So for this, use this tool to remove virus then reboot your PC and then use this option to delete 'regsvr.exe' virus startup.

5. Remove All virus startup (recommended if already infected with file and folder shortcut creating virus and with cmd,taskmanager,regedit killer)
Removes all startup virus like File & Folder Shortcut creating virus, cmd, regedit, taskmanger, etc.. Close and kill virus and the process before it operates or starts. So you will have to be fast to click merge registery. ( Not needed if viruses are removed. But still to be safe, use this option.)

6. Check for updates (Both GUI and CMD vs) or Submit virus unknown to app in .zip/.7z file via comment
You can use this option to check for updates, of the software. You can also submit me unknown or new viruses in .zip/.7z. by commenting in a post

7. Donate/Send me Beer, will help a lot. You can donate any amount you wish :)

Donate any amount if you are satisfied with our software :-) this could help us a lot.

5. After entering the option number some windows will open and close continuously for few seconds and then a window will open as shown below….

After all the processes has been completed you can check your PC or PenDrive from where all the “SHORTCUT VIRUSES” has been removed….!!


If you face any problems then you can leave a comment below....we will get back to you as soon as possible.. :-) :-)

A Facebook Like box is a great and most useful plugin to increase the likes of your fan page, increase blog visitors, and allows to blog visitors to subscribe your blog updates through Facebook Like box. Facebook Like box display the faces of the likers into a Facebook like box on Blogger. The Like Box is a special version of the Like button designed only for Facebook Pages. In other words It allows admins to promote their Pages ,increase there likes ,visitors and embed a simple feed of content from a Page into other sites. Before creating a fan or like box make sure that you should be require Facebook Page.

Creating a Facebook Like :-

1. Firstly open the Facebook page which u want to add like box to blogger and copy the URL from the address bar of your facebook fan page. You can see the screenshot of URL that how should look like....

2. After that open this link your page URL into the facebook page URL field, change or modify the width and and height of the box by changing there values, chek or unchek the boxes according to your wish on how you want your like box to look like as shown below in the screenshot....

The configuration above doesn't include all of the possible settings for your Like box. You can also change the following default settings....

3. After filling all boxes and checkboxes if you are satisfied with the preview, click on the "GET CODE" button.

4. After clicking on the "GET CODE" a big box will pop-up titled "Your plugin Code"  containing two pieces of some code in two different boxes. Select the second piece of the code and copy it as it is, as you can see in the screenshot below....

Add the Facebook Like Box to your Bolg :-

5.  After doing the above procedure, now login to your Blogger Account after that go to "Layout", and then click on "Add a Gadget" link....

6. When you click on "Add a Gadget" you will get a pop-up window will be appears, after that scroll down and  select the "HTML/JavaScript" gadget, after that one pop-up box will be open again....

7. Paste the whole code which we copied for Facebook Like box in the empty HTML box. You can fill the Title box with your choice or you can leave this box blank and click on the save button....

8. Now refresh your blog and now you see your Facebook Like box like as screenshot shown below....

Now you are done..!! Enjoy..!!

If you have any problems then you can leave a comment below....we will get back to you as soon as possible.. :-) :-)